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Monday, May 20, 2013

follow the rabbit

A counter clockwise circumambulation of the Tungsten Hills outside of Bishop, California, Eastern Sierra Nevada, The Range of Light. Never does one sleep well before an event like this. Not really an event. A pilgrimage. A spiritual return to the land, the sacred. A repetitive perfect foot placement on the earth meditation. A circular prayer. Hands touch together at the heart in awe of mountains. Making up mantras along the way: follow the rabbit, balance and glide, follow the rabbit… Always does one sleep well after an event like this. 


amidnightrider said...

RYN. I got the Garmin Bike commuter the 200 series. There is not much to it except it's satellite technology and not based on your front wheel spinning.

mindful mule said...

Thanks, Midnight. My front wheel sensor always gets knocked out of whack anyway so I wonder about upgrading to something like you've found. Although, I have to admit, I'm also quite tempted by the wrist watch version... What about battery life/recharge capability? Ride On...