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Thursday, February 6, 2014

almost went running today

Trail Runner magazine sends out emails with links to their available online articles pretty frequently - seems like a least twice a week. I'm not sure why they send them to me as I haven't subscribed to the magazine for some time now. But I'm not complaining. It's nice to read an article once in a while. Sometimes they can even be inspiring. Like today. I read an article that made me want to go running even though there was some light rain passing through. I got all dressed up in running clothes and was ready to hit the street. But it had started raining just a little heavier now. So I though well I'll just wait it out a bit and maybe it will clear up - I'm just waiting for my set, I thought - any moment now. I left my running clothes on but I got a little side tracked by another task. And it kept raining. My window of available time was closing too. And it was getting dark. And it was raining. I put my house clothes back on. Maybe tomorrow… 


Kristina said...

Oooh - I know those emails!
The nice thing is that the days are getting longer, little by little, so those windows of opportunity will also extend.

mindful mule said...

Yes, looking forward to those longer evenings! A new kind of Happy Hour could be developing… fingers crossed.