photo block

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

dog days of winter

I’m dog sitting Jengo for about a week. We just went out for a quick afternoon trot around the block in the drizzle. I don’t get the impression that Jengo does a whole lot of running but I ran him just a little today – a few minutes. I figure any dog should be okay with that. As soon as he dropped back behind me instead of leading the way we walked it off.

It’s been drizzling a lot the last few days – apparently – I’ve been out of town – I thought Georgia was a warm place – pretty cold out there – nice running through Piedmont Park though – and the Botanical Garden there.

When we returned from our space journey across the continent the rain cup was full – 14.5 cm. Actually it holds about 15 cm but who knows if I got there just in time to measure the four day rain event or if the rain had been splashing out over the lip for days?

And in other bigger more exciting news – we’ve now got a memory card in the camera that holds more than 4 pictures at a time! 2000, to be exact. So, hhhhere’s Jengo… Hard to tell from the picture, of course, but he’s listening to jazz on the radio.

Because of this new photo ability the blog could be at a crossroads here if you know what I mean. Something to look at, at last! Assuming I ever remember to take the camera out with me on adventures.

Merry Winter to All! It becomes official at around… well, I can’t figure it out exactly – sometime today. We’ll call it right… now.


JustinM said...

Wow, I won't know what to do with 500x more of your pictures to look at. I'll be even less productive, I guess...

mindful mule said...

I’ll try not to overphototize y’all.

jaymes said...

Just wanted to wish you a Happy Solstice my friend !! Hope you are enjoying the rain!!

mindful mule said...

Happy Solstice to you too. As for the rain, yes, it’s nice, but everything in moderation, man… we got like four inches in the last 12 hours!

mindful mule said...

Apparently his name is spelled Django. Thus explaining his liking for jazz.