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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It’s official. We’re a One Car Family. Well, really more like a one car couple. Pretty good still. I mean, this is LA (sort of.) Although, not much has changed lately. We’re still getting around town with the same habits we’ve had for a while now. The only difference being we’ve now got a lot more space in the garage. The garage car has been sold off. Which also makes a difference in paying only half as much insurance and registration. Think of all the Margaritas we can buy each other now. Not as many as you’d think actually. But a lot. Well over a hundred. A hundred Margaritas a year – every year – for as long as we stay OCF. That’s incentive. Now… about that ZCF…


JustinM said...

Nice. Now Liz and I can get a third car without feeling guilty, since you've cut back. Or wait... am I missing the point?

mindful mule said...

Justin, I guess I’ll have to bribe you with some of those Margaritas to distract any ideas of a third car.